Narali Bhat is a traditional Maharashtrian delicacy which is specifically prepared for Rakhi Purnima or narali purnima. Narali Bhat is coconut rice sweetened with jaggery.INGREDIENTS:

Narali Bhat is a traditional Maharashtrian delicacy which is specifically prepared for Rakhi Purnima or narali purnima.
Narali Bhat is coconut rice sweetened with jaggery.


1cup basmati rice 1cup jaggery 1cup coconut milk½ cup coconut( fresh, grated) 2-3 tsp ghee½ tsp nutmeg powder2-3 cloves 1small piece of cinnamon2-3 green cardamomFew cashews and raisinsFew strands of saffron soaked in water …
  • 1cup basmati rice 

  • 1cup jaggery 

  • 1cup coconut milk

  • ½ cup coconut( fresh, grated) 

  • 2-3 tsp ghee

  • ½ tsp nutmeg powder

  • 2-3 cloves 

  • 1small piece of cinnamon

  • 2-3 green cardamom

  • Few cashews and raisins

  • Few strands of saffron soaked in water 

  • Pinch of salt 


  • wash and soak rice for at least 30 mins

  • Heat up ghee in a pan 

  • Fry cashews and raisins. Keep aside 

  • In the same pan, add cloves, cinnamon, and cardamom

  • Sauté for 20-30 secs

  • Add the soaked and drained rice

Fry for few mins( gently) Add coconut milk
  • Fry for few mins( gently) 

  • Add coconut milk

Cover and cook on low flame for about 10 mins ( until rice is 90 % cooked)Mix grated coconut and jaggery and add to the rice
  • Cover and cook on low flame for about 10 mins ( until rice is 90 % cooked)

  • Mix grated coconut and jaggery and add to the rice

Mix ( gently)Add saffron, cashews, and raisins Add nutmeg powderAdd a pinch of salt Stir gentlyCover and cook on low flame for another 5-8 mins ( until rice is fully cooked)That’s it, your delicious Narali Bhat is ready
  • Mix ( gently)

  • Add saffron, cashews, and raisins 

  • Add nutmeg powder

  • Add a pinch of salt 

  • Stir gently

  • Cover and cook on low flame for another 5-8 mins ( until rice is fully cooked)

  • That’s it, your delicious Narali Bhat is ready

Serve garnished with nuts and fresh coconut

Serve garnished with nuts and fresh coconut


