Saucepans and Spices

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  • 1pack udon noodles, prepared according to instructions and ready to use 

  • 1tofu square, ( remove as much water as you can) 

  • 7-8 garlic, chopped 

  • ½ tsp ginger paste

  • ¼ cup Spring onion, chopped 

  • 1tbsp Carrot, sliced

  • ½ Onion, sliced 

  • Green chillies

  • 2tbsp Coloured Capsicum 

  • 1-2 Dry red chillies

  • 2 tbsp Potato starch ( or cornstarch) 

  • 1- 2tbsp soya sauce 

  • 1-2tbsp gochugaru ( Korean chilli flakes) 

  • 1-2 tbsp white wine vinegar 

  • 1-2tbsp honey 

  • ½ -1 tbsp mirin 

  • 1-2 tsp potato starch 


  • Add black pepper, salt and garlic powder to the 2 tbsp potato starch 

  • Cut tofu into squares and coat them in the potato starch 

  • Shallow fry until all the tofu turns golden brown ( cook on med heat and try to keep them separated in oil) 

  • Remove and keep aside

  • In the same pan add all the chopped vegetables and dry red chilli

Sauté for a min

  • Mix all the sauces together and add to the pan. Fry for a min

Add tofu and udon

Fry everything for 1-2 mins 

  • And that’s it, it’s ready

  • Add sesame oil/sesame seeds add spring onion  as garnish 

  • Enjoy